They’re hot! These are the titles Taschen Library at The Joule could barely keep in stock this year
The Ultimate Sneaker Book
It’s 650 pages for the sole-obsessed with history, obscure facts, and more from Sneaker Freaker, the first and only international footwear magazine.
The Star Wars Archives
Do you go for the 1977-1983 volume spanning the original trilogy or the 1999-2005 edition covering the prequels? Trick question. Obviously, serious fans need both.
Greek Myths
Heracles, Prometheus, Odysseus …In this book you’ll find 47 tales about Greece’s who’s-who, complete with custom illustrations. The fact that authors didn’t round up to 50 — that’s the real tragedy.
The Library of Esoterica
This series explores mysticism, astrology, witchcraft and more through decades of artistry. Transcendentalism with a dash of spooky is our kind of recipe.
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